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  • Address the operational budget needs of the the library as it opens in time of a limited resources available from the town budget 

  • Advance a vision of inclusivity for the diverse members of our community to find their place at the new library 

  • Support working residents with remote work and meeting spaces

  • Reach our diverse community members through an expanded world language collection and other resources

  • Continue to work towards a fully inclusive, equitable, and anti-racist community, a focus which informs all my work as a teacher, a parent, a Town Meeting Member, and a School Committee Member

  • Create a vibrant community gathering space where Belmont residents can gather in person to build bonds with one another as we access programming and materials tailored to our needs

  • Support  the library operations team to maximize opportunities to utilize the beautiful new space set to open this Fall

  • Advocate for the library’s role in meeting Belmont’s Climate Action Goals 


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